#5 - Morning Blues

#5 - Morning Blues


"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." - Alexander Hamilton

“If you don’t choose your path, life will choose it for you." - Unknown

"...when I do my daily kundalini exercise which I often do after I've done some Wim Hof breathing and had a cold plunge and a run and a meditate and a pray - all of which is what my mate Jason points out makes me feel 'okay'- I'm not ecstatic, but normal - able to participate in life. Such is the addicts lot - we have to run a mental marathon every morning just to be able to put the toaster on without thinking about getting into the bath with it." - Russell Brand from his book Revelations. 


Revelations by Russell Brand.


Chris Williamson and Alex Hormozi - Do 21 podcast episodes and you will be in the top 1% of podcasters of all time because most people quit before 20.


A ship just one degree off course can end up in a different port.

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