#36 - Reading Hate Comments
The link to the YouTube video of this episode is here.
So today we are reading hate comments and this outfit is inspired by Alex Cooper. This is the only martini glass in the house and I don’t actually drink so we are having sparkling water. *sip* So I recently had three of my videos go viral on TikTok.
- One was a series of photos showing that you can't always see mould which currently on 1.2 million views.
- The second was a video about what my mould illness symptoms looked which is currently on 190k views,
- And the third was a clip from my podcast talking about what it’s like having autism in Australia which is currently on 56k views.
As per tradition I will be reading out my hate comments, like I did when my video of my grandma in the bubble went viral last Christmas. My friend Abbey when she gets hate comments she takes a screen shot of their profile photo and its so funny that I'm going to Ballarat her. I have no problem naming and shaming them. Julia fox was once asked why she doesn’t just delete the hate comments she receives and she was like, "Why should I clean up their mess, like that is just so embarrassing for them?"
Interestingly I coped the most hate on the autism video, like you would think people would be nicer to an autism but apparently not. In the video I spoke about how its hard finding work with autism because there's no work flexibility in Australia.
@Chelle commented, "What's holding you back? My son is ASD and works full time." I will say, one thing about the autisms is they completely had my back. There was like an army defending me and a war going off in the comments and a lot of them got restricted by TikTok. Essentially they were saying that autism is a spectrum and it looks different for everyone. And this person, who doesn't even know me, was like, "It's not a spectrum this woman is just lazy." Now look - you can call me many things - you can call me arrogant, you can call me self-centred, you can even call me a Pickmesha - but bitch, you CANNOT call me a woman. I still identify as a child thank you.
Let's have a sip for every time someone is ableist.
@george said, "Nothing wrong with you." *sip*
@user7886 said, "You are a liability." *sip*
@Jade said, "You look fine to me." *sip*
I replied to that last one saying, "Thanks I feel fine as hell."
@bobbit said, "The world isn't here to hold your hand. Sorry sweetie."
@Lucifer said, "If you can do the job you'd get it, somethings missing from their story." To which I replied, "Wow someone who lived up to their name."
Someone even accused me of being AI. @seanyoung107 said, "She kind of talks like a robot, this video initially appears to be AI generated."
In the videos about the mould I had a lot of people essentially saying mould illness is not real or that I'm faking being sick.
@luvthecomments said, "Life’s tough, get a helmet."
@bennyson said, "I bet you eat processed foods and barely do any exercise lol depression isn't real darling get moving." I mean I ran 10km today but, okay!
Another person said “pay the victim." I think they meant to say 'play' the victim but yes, pay me!
@wwoman1984 said, "Here we go! Another made up disease that means she will go on Centerlink for the next 10 years, paid for by me and others like me." I responded, "Thanks for providing, I'm in my trad wife energy." She actually responded to this with five crying laughing faces and a love heart, so I think I turned a hater into a fan. I actually noticed that when I killed them with kindness some of them actually turned around and started being nice, which I wasn't expecting. I don't let them back in because, you know, boundaries, but it lessened my lack of faith in humanity. Like one guy commented on my autism video telling me I looked fine and was just lazy and when i did a reply video explaining what autism looks like in females, he actually apologised to me.
I had a lot of people confidently tell me that I spelt mould wrong, including one lady who wrote in capitals, "FALSE INFO! YOU CAN SEE M.O.L.D. SEE, IT'S RIGHT THERE IN PLAIN ENGLISH. STOP SPREADING MISINFORMATION." I Responded, "FALSE INFO! Mould is spelt M.O.U.L.D. in UK English! x"
It's not just TikTok where I cop the hate - on YouTube on my video about the higher vs lower self. @lhygfdfghjjj said, "Can your higher self pick a better hat." Which is actually hilarious, ill give him that, but I actually have the hat here, and bitch this hat is vintage embroidery, 90s vibe space jam, you can't get a better hat than this. It's called fashiun darling look it up.
@LEGO.0 commented on one of my podcast episodes, "Chat is this yapping." I think they meant to write 'what' is this yapping but yeah, I don’t know what... is this yapping.
My favourite one was this complete stranger on Instagram named @Sandra_currumba who commented on my video 'Discipline vs Inspo' the yawning emoji, like as if I was boring her. Like bitch, you know you can leave right? I clicked on her profile and we have no mutual friends, so she doesn't even go here. But it’s good to know that hashtags actually work on Instagram. But the funniest part is her bio said “breathe… and focus on love”. Like bitch you cannot make this shit up. What a fucking hypogriff. Anyway I replied to her comment saying “breathe… and just be love”
I don't really let the hate bother me because I know these people literally don't know me and are just projecting. I try to think that all these people are giving me their energy whether it’s negative or not and that’s helping me grow which is what I’m trying to achieve. People just pass around darkness and I try to envision that it ends with me like you know in Harry Potter 5 when Dumbledore V Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic and Voldemort picks up all the broken shards of glass and he sends them all flying at Dumbledore, and then Dumbledore creates a shield that turns all the glass into sand. Well I try to imagine when people are sending their hate at me I just create a shield where I turn it into love so the hate stops with me. But to be honest I can't pretend I'm that pro yet but I'm at least setting that as my intention.
Until next time - xoxo gossip mew.